The Mysterious Power of the Weakmates


The world will turn upside down in 2020

The “big picture” on planet Earth is alarming. The human species is a misconstruction, especially for decision-makers in politics and business. It is precisely this species that was born and later put into its cradle by the Almighty. But they did not make use of it – at least not sufficiently. In the past decades, a lot has therefore gone to the groats. Do you like some examples? Here we go …

  1. Market economy and democracy are dead – dead as a doornail. Desperate attempts at revival always fail.
  2. As one of the basic elements of the market economy, interest rates have been heavily manipulated – at every turn and for many, many years. Interest rates have almost been killed – by incompetent politicians.
  3. The importance of the money factor is not really recognized – not for a long time.
  4. Ecological chaos is threatening the world more and more – the number of catastrophes is increasing.
  5. The blame for the problem of the brutalization of society (both verbally and physically) must also be attached to stupidly or even stupidly acting top politicians.
  6. Nothing works together anymore. The EU is breaking up – also because of Brexit and the problems at the southern borders.
  7. Politicians “earn” too much money or cobble together too much money in the form of diets; because they do not earn this money.
  8. NATO is fighting for survival – and world peace is in danger.
  9. Together they look different. Currency and trade wars characterize the events.
  10. Egoism wins – on all fronts; for many heads of government think they are simply great, but in fact they are not.
  11. Citizens are largely lazy. They do not recognise their power and cannot use it accordingly.
  12. The level of anger of the citizens, however, is constantly on the rise, because Ääääääääntschie (Angela Merkel) & Co. do not really get things done – And this also increases the desperation and the willingness to use violence of the citizens. This results in many stupid murder and manslaughter actions. As I said. Even overpaid top politicians are to blame.
  13. I see Christine Lagarde’s demand for more externally financed state investments in Europe as the wrong way. Excluded is the trillion-euro rescue package for planet Earth that I have been calling for for more than 10 years.
  14. The problem is that we have been living on credit for a long time, for a very long time. To remove the pump currencies and replace them with cryptos (as some experts suggest) would just be a sham.

The following is also stupid, very stupid: governments and central banks are waiting for inflation in order to reduce the national debt nominally in this way. The inflation of debt is seen as an old “household remedy”. But this does not really help in the end.

Actually, it’s soooo simple. Some politicians, however, have come to this conclusion too late. The weaklings of this time are ten years and more late in their thoughts and practically in their actions. And that’s despite the fact that countless well-paid experts bring their expertise to the government’s control centres.

Two exciting geopolitical topics have occupied and driven me intensively for many, many years – for more than a decade.

But many political weaklings on all continents have underestimated social and ecological risks and are only now gradually and hesitantly tackling them. For example, I have been calling for decades,

a) to make the UN a democratically based, religion-neutral world government because of its almost 200 member states; and

b) also to set up a giant climate program at billions of dollars for the “rescue of Mother Earth”. Ten years later, political morons are thinking about both topics – finally! And that means then: probably in the long run “foresighted politics.

Fireworks the other way around - because the world is upside down. Photo: ©Udo Rettberg
Fireworks the other way around – because the world is upside down. Photo: ©Udo Rettberg

In terms of investment policy, I consider the following topics to be of interest in 2020

  1. Water
  2. Sport is the “boom business” par excellence (active sports and passive sports – i.e. TV broadcasts and eSports – will probably dominate the world tomorrow as well). This is mainly because automation in conjunction with digitization and robotization is dramatically changing the job market.
  3. Marijuana / Cannabis – BTW The fact that the MLB Major League Baseball in North America has now removed marijuana from the list of banned substances is in itself not an argument for buying cannabis shares, but shows the increasing acceptance of the substance. Because of the argument “Cannabis is also driving the tax revenues of Trump’s government” I remain positive for this sector.
  4. Agriculture – People have to eat and drink. Ergo, nutrition is and remains a super topic for capital investment.
  5. Changes in the networking of the world beyond the Internet by 5 G. Donald Trump is now also a proven 5G bull, especially with a clear view of US providers.
  6. Tourism Hotels – It still drives people from one place to another. And that regardless of the climate debate. Particularly in countries like China and India, the desire to travel is unbroken, despite the restrictions imposed by the trade wars.
  7. Mergers M&A – Super cheap money serves as a catalyst. Corporate mergers and acquisitions remain “in”.

Author: ©Udo Rettberg — Publicist / Journalist

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